Three couples, they were never the same.

On a beautiful sunny day, three high school buddies and their wives, decide to celebrate 20 years of friendship by having a picnic deep in the isolated bowels of the Australian bush.

We flash back to the night before at a biker club head quarters, where the leader of a criminal biker is informed that his best friend is ratting them out to the cops.


Devastated after his brotherhood betrayal, the leader biker challenges him to a battle located at their regular biker camp-site meeting place in a desolate location in the Australian bush. coincidentally, it’s the same place the three couples have chosen for a pleasant picnic lunch.


Upon arrival everyone seems happy, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the glasses are full. The couples arrive, they set up their white table cloth, set out the food and happy to catch up. In the distance we hear the roaring sound of a Harley getting closer by the second. The Harley engine stops.

Kelly, the little daughter of the group kicks her ball into the bushes which roles onto his bike. The biker picks up the ball and brings it back to the picnic table. Feeling uneasy by the presence of this uninvited stranger, they politely thank him and are hesitant to engage in any conversation. After a long moment of uncomfortable silence, the biker begins at taking out his frustration upon the three couples. He starts by politely asking questions and gradually digs down to a more personal level. Tension mounts as more is revealed by each person through vulnerability and painful humiliation.

This confrontation is non violent, but becomes cruel and revealing in this psychological thriller.


He manages to strip and bare each character’s deepest motivation and fears while exposing their true shallow values.


In the end, it leads to total destruction of their friendship and leaves them forced to face their own reality.